Thursday, November 1, 2012

Letter #2

Dear Charlotte, Today you are four weeks old. The last four weeks have flown by so incredibly fast, I feel like we just came home from the hospital. When you were born you were 9 lbs 14 oz, just 2 oz shy of 10 lbs! The doctor and nurses said you may have been 10 lbs but you tinkled before they weighed you. You were perfect and beautiful and just so amazing. You have such a fuzzy little head! When I look at you I just cannot get over how the back of your hair stands so tall, how long and chunky your arms and legs are and how your fingers are so long! You are such a sweet and calm baby. The only time you ever spit up is when you've been fed too much, which doesn't happen often because you just love to eat and eat! Your big sisters have taken to you well. Evalyn likes to wave hello to you and give you hugs and kisses. Loreli pretends like she is your mommy and wants to help do everything from feed you to changing your diaper. You definitely do not like sitting in your car seat. Whenever you get fussy in the car Loreli sings to you and pats your tummy. You have definitely fit right into our family like the last piece to a puzzle. I love you so much sweets. I've come to the conclusion that each of you have taught me something different about life and being a mom. The lesson you've given me is to appreciate every moment. With you I have regained a calm and warm nature to love. I can't wait for all of the moments to come. You are amazing. Love always and forever, Mommy

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